Wednesday, November 12, 2008

13 mile recovery

I did the 13 on Sunday, then did 4 on Monday - as my plan said. I definitely have a blister from the new shoes and 13 miles. My foot started hurting by mile 2. My middle toe seemed to feel numb (like it did on the 13 mile run), but I think it was the position of a blister.

I walked the dog for 2 miles on Tuesday - which is a rest day. My foot hurt differently, but I could get past it. I feel rested and like it will do ok. I am excited (?!) to run today for another 4. I'll be in the 13 mile shoes tonight, and I'm interested in how they will feel. Maybe Excited isn't the right word, but I am interested in my run today.


Tracie said...

The Marine Corps has been hiking with blistered feet for YEARS and YEARS...we survive with two things...dry, cushy socks and this stuff called moleskin. You cut it to the size you want and stick it directly to your careful of the blister though...don't stick it directly to the blister..put a band-aid or something on the blister first. It will help the shoes rub across the sore spots instead of being focused on JUST the sore spots. It doesn't work for everyone but just a thought. With all the running you're doing, you don't want the blister to get bigger and infected.'s sold in 3x5 sheets. And yes, I think the word you're looking for is excited...once you become a runner, it's something you look forward to, ask any of your siblings who's an enjoyable hobby that you now do. Keep it up!!

What Me Run? said...

You are really my hero! I can't imagine having to really run on these feet over and over again. Thanks for the tip on the MOLESKIN. I have heard of it. And, now, it has a great endorsement, so I will go out and get some.