Friday, September 4, 2009


Yesterday's training was MUCH better. I think I just had a sucky day on Wednesday. Thursdays are supposed to be cross training, but since I walked on Wednesday, I figured I had to run on Thursday. Well, I started off getting home from work and playing tag with my son. He loves to be chased. Eventually, he changed the game to zombie tag - where I had to lurch around and drag my foot. I know it wasn't fast moving, but it was moving and giggling. It reminded me of why I want to run. It isn't the glory of the marathon. It's to play and have more fun with him. Did you know that kid zombies are allowed to run, but adult zombies have to lurch. Seems fair.

So, after playing tag, I figured I would just walk the dog and then we'd dance around at home. Instead, I started the dog walk, and ran up the first hill. My sister says to run UP the hills. You can walk anywhere else. So, I ended up doing the same route last night as the night before. But, I ran occasionally (up the hills), and I ended up feeling pretty good.

Here is the Garmin breakdown for both days. You cans ee that I wasn't that much faster yesterday with my occasional running, but the feeling was different.

Wednesday (bad day): 2.42 miles in 45:33 (average 18:49)
Thursday (good day): 2.50 miles in 44:03 (average 17:34)

So, less then 1.5 minutes faster per mile on Thursday, but it felt like a run and Wednesday felt like a whine.

Today is a rest day. So, just zombie tag and dog walk.


Tracie said...

All I got to say is WOO HOO!!!! Oh and of course kid zombies can run!! It's the unwritten rule!! Makes being healthy and in shape all worth it don't you think??

What Me Run? said...


Hayley said...

I'll second that with another WOO HOO!! :D Playing with TK is what it's all about, and yay for a much better run. I know for me running up hills makes me feel like a million bucks. That's awesome! Great work P! :D