Monday, April 14, 2008

Long time no blog...

It's half way through April, and I haven't written here. I did a 5K - by using my Garmin the following weekend, and did better. I didn't have the dog run with me, and I didn't have someone else pushing me on. I beat the previous time by just under a minute (it was 41:something). I also realized, that my goal is to complete a marathon. I don't have to run the whole way. I am not going to beat myself up that I am at 13+ minutes per mile - as long aasI can keep up the pace for longer than 5K by then. I know - this sounds like I am stopping my training. I'm not.

In fact, my family has found a new way to get motivated. We are doing weekly multi-state relays. This means that one person starts running in the morning, and others join in through the day. We text each other when we are leaving, and when we get back. The first week we did longer than a marathon. The second week, we had gathered in more folks, and did a double. For example, my brother ran 8 miles in Florida, and when he finished my three sisters (2 in Mass, 1 in Kansas and none together) each left to run from 9-9:45, then a cousin in Oregon jumped on the treadmill and ran for 6 miles. After all the emails and texts were back we had 12 folks and run 40 something miles. The next week, my mom, aunts, husband and other cousins had joined by adding a mile or more each to the tally. If my aunt in Maine can do a mile, I can keep up with my 3 milers!

Also, I am officially signed up for a 5K in my town. I signed up my husband and six year old for the 1 mile fun run. It will be my first non-running club run. Also, I will be representing my running club. I hope I don't let them down. I am doing daily workouts to get my time better for the May 4th race. I am at 42 minutes for a 5K, in three weeks, I want to be at 40 minutes. It is a much hillier race course though...

Also, I am doing work outs with the 8 pound bar at the end of every other day runs/walks. I find that it is helping. During the 5K's my arms were getting tired! Imagine. Who would have thought these delicate hands could be soo heavy? Ha ha I think it is helping with the runs - we'll see this coming weekend with the family relay. I did notice that the last 5K did not wipe me out for the whole day like previous ones have. I was able to do a quick nap and stay awake most of the day.


Hayley said...

The improvements you've made since first starting out have been awesome! You keep yourself motivated with new goals, local 5K's, and the support of your biggest fans - your family. We all love you and we're all so proud of you!!

Tk will have lots of fun in his one-miler. You'll have to give Curtis the camera! :)

Tracie said...

P - what do I always say - you have a goal and you are moving in the right direction - you don't have to justify anything!!! You are doing awesome!! I love reading your older blogs and how you seemed so timid and new to everything and now you sound like a pro!!! You know exactly what you're doing and where you're going!!! Way to go!!

What Me Run? said...

Thanks for the encouragement. I just realized this weekend that I am just out to finish the marathon - in 7 hours. I read B's blog that he did 8 miles - walk mile 1, run mile 2, walk mile 3, run 4&5, walk 6, run 7, walk 8. I was impressed by the fact he did 8 miles - and didn't care that it was a combo of walk/run. That is what I need to get to.

I think there were two ways to approach training - do short distances faster then add length or build lenght and add speed later. I was doing the first. Instead, I am going to switch to the second. Instead of walking the dog 1.5/2 miles a day fast, I'll walk him 2.5/3.5 miles a day and worry about getting faster later.

I do feel like I have learned and become a runner - because I am able to notice that this way makes me more motivated. I still want to do the Shrewsbury 5K in under 40 minutes, though.

Tracie said...

Just wanted to add that you are absolutely right!!! You can run the quickest 5K in the world and not have the endurance to make it 10 miles let alone an entire marathon. Endurance is a DEFINITE key. But also remember that as you build your endurance up you will also build up your ability to run longer distances...they kind of go hand in hand!! I think it is smart to work on length first and then worry about speed.

Remember that a lot of when you think you can't possibly go another foot and then continuing on anyhow, is heart. That's how Marines can go forever - how we have endurance forever - how we carry 60 or 80 pound packs on our backs - it's called heart and you've got to have it. So much of what we do in life is mind over matter and I know I've said that a hundred times but I will continue to remind everyone. Of course you can't finish a marathon without training but it is not a single thing that will get you through. It's not training alone or mind strength alone - it is a little bit of everything and I think you are figuring that out. You are doing great and I LOVE your quote. It is sooooo true.

Andria said...

Isn't it great when you start feeling the difference? It just makes you want to run even more. It's hard to get into the habit, but once you do then not doing it becomes the hard thing to do. You're doing great!