Monday, May 5, 2008

Shrewsbury Road Scholars

I had a GREAT 5K run yesterday! It was my first official run with a number. I've been doing the 5K's with my running club. 14-27 people running a 3.1 mile loop. I have always come in last and been ok with that. Or, I have run 3.1 miles with my Garmin strapped to my wrist. (C suggested I call my Garmin "Larry", since that is the replacement pet for "Gary" on Spongebob Squarepants, and he is a snail... I just can't get used to the name. I may go for "Trot", although he is no longer with the Sox... I may go with Veri - short for my guy Jason, who is the team captain...)

Anyway, I had an official bib number. For the first time, I had to think about where to put the number. I have a lot of real estate that can be covered on my shirt. So sad for those petite little gals that don't have as much material to pin to. It was an awesome dilemma!

I did it overall in 40:47. Fastest yet! The thrid mile was 13:00 even. That is my fastest mile ever. I have hit 11 minute miles, sustained for all of 1 minute. But, this was overall 13:00.
Just before the half way point I met a runner that was recovering from a hip procedure and wanted to walk/run together. So, I did. Towards the end, she pulled out a cross necklace and said he answered her prayers. She had said she needed a partner to show up, and there I was. Pretty wierd being someone's answer to a prayer.

It was a great run. The best? I am almost ashamed of this - I was not the dead last person!!! I haven't had that treat. After finishing, I got to cheer on the rest of the runners.

I was 182 of 233. That means 51 people were behind me! I was #89 of 128 women runners and #33 of the 43 women in my division. So, I wasn't last in ANY of the catergories. I don't run to be first. I run just to finish the race. I say that all the time. But, that is why I am a little ashamed that I am so psyched not to have been last.

C had to carry T on his shoulders for the 1 mile fun run. T was NOT happy to be out walking in the pouring rain. We'll change his mind soon enough...


Tracie said...

I am so incredibly psyched for you. What an awesome day you had. You must be completely overwhelmed with excitement. It also has to give you some motivation from outside the family. Motivation from outside the family always helps because we are family - of course we support you and offer motivation so when there is some from outside the family it really adds a little extra kick to your own self-esteem and gives you a bit of a "warm-fuzzy" on the inside and you remember all over again why you do it. P you did so awesome. We all knew you had been making improvements and progress but sometimes it's hard to see it yourself and this 5K just proved that. As for TK, maybe he just doesn't like rain!!

Hayley said...

Peanut, you are amazing!! You accomplished so much with this 5K and I'm so proud of you! You were far from last, you made several PR's, and you were even someone else's motivator - what a great race. :D

As TK gets older he'll learn to appeciate that he's part of a running family. :D

Hayley said...

And yea for your first official running bib! You should totally frame it.

Tek is my favorite too! I bet we can find Red Sox running gear somewhere, like pants and shirts and stuff...

SargeInNorman said...

Excellent job!!! It is pretty exciting getting to pin on a bib number for the first time. Heck, it's pretty exciting to do it everytime. I have now done it twice and it is great. Don't feel bad about not finishing last. This is what you train for, to finish. That is what you did. Other runners and walkers may have other training goals and reasons for taking part in the race. What matters is your desire and drive and that you achieved what you set out to do. Setting PRs are just bonus elements to the finish. I am very proud of you. As for TK, let him know the ladies will be impressed with him running. He's such a flirt I hear.